Case Study :
Stepping Stones Towards Applied Behaviour Analysis |  | Author Name : Deepa Bhatted,Bhasi Sukumaran | | Abstract :Difficulties in socialization, communication, and behavior are the main characteristics of Autism
Spectrum disorder (ICD - 10). These symptoms express themselves before the age of three and are
generally accompanied by deficits in cognitive functioning, learning, attention, and sensory processing.
According to Action for Autism India there are two million children diagnosed with autism (based on an
estimated rate of 1 in 250) (Action for Autism 2008).
Applied Behaviour Analysis is a basic intervention program used in the treatment of the
behavioural problems of autistic (Maurice, Green, & Luce, 1996) and it has been successfully applied to
behavioural excesses and deficits since 1960s (Lowaas, Freitag, Gold & Kassorla, 1965). ABA has been
successfully applied to behavioural excesses and deficits in the area for autism since the 1960s (sited by
Carr, & Firth 2005) and has been shown to be an effective means of intervention for adults and children. The
ABA approach teaches social, motor, verbal behaviors and reasoning skills, and is effective in managing
challenging behaviour. | Full-Text(pdf) |
| Preparing A Case Study Of Assessing Any Of The Personality Traits
Of Any Identified Elementary/ Middle School Student
From A Vicinity School |  | Author Name : Samvedna Sharma | | Abstract :Mother was suffering extreme stress during this pregnancy . Relationship with the in laws and
money problem was the root cause of extreme stress during pregnancy . | Full-Text(pdf) |
| ARDS and Pregnancy |  | Author Name : Dr. Ravindra Gundeli (M.D.) | | Abstract :Patients of pregnancy and ARDS are less 2% of admission to hospital it is related or may not be related to pregnancy. Our case is lung related and pneumonitis with respiratory distress. Other are like aspiration, embolism, eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. | Full-Text(pdf) |